30 Examples of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe actions that will be ongoing and expected to have been continued up to a certain point in the future. It is formed with will have been or shall have been followed by the -ing form of the main verb.

Examples of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Here are 30 examples of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

  1. I will have been working at this company for ten years by the end of the month.
  2. She will have been studying medicine for six years by the time she graduates.
  3. We will have been living in this city for twenty years by next summer.
  4. He will have been playing the piano for two hours by the time the concert starts.
  5. They will have been traveling around the world for six months by the time they return home.
  6. You will have been waiting at the airport for three hours by the time the flight arrives.
  7. The project will have been ongoing for three years by next quarter.
  8. Our team will have been practicing for the tournament for six months by the time it starts.
  9. I will have been learning Spanish for two years by the time I visit Spain.
  10. She will have been teaching at the university for twenty years by the time she retires.
  11. We will have been working on this project for a year by the time it is completed.
  12. He will have been living in this neighborhood for five years by the time he moves.
  13. They will have been dating for ten years by the time they get married.
  14. You will have been exercising for an hour by the time I arrive.
  15. The flowers will have been blooming for months by the time spring arrives.
  16. I will have been volunteering at the shelter for years by the time they open a new location.
  17. She will have been driving for hours by the time she reaches her destination.
  18. We will have been waiting for the bus for thirty minutes by the time it arrives.
  19. He will have been writing his novel for a year by the time it is published.
  20. They will have been renovating the house for months by the time they move in.
  21. You will have been working at this company for a decade by the time you retire.
  22. The children will have been playing outside for hours by the time it gets dark.
  23. I will have been reading for hours by the time you come home.
  24. She will have been cooking dinner for hours by the time her guests arrive.
  25. We will have been discussing the project for hours by the time we reach a decision.
  26. He will have been saving money for years by the time he buys a house.
  27. They will have been preparing for the exam for months by the time it takes place.
  28. You will have been studying for the test for weeks by the time it is administered.
  29. The chef will have been cooking in the kitchen for hours by the time dinner is served.
  30. I will have been waiting for you for hours by the time you arrive.

Examples of Future Perfect Continuous Tense


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