20 Other Ways to Say Can’t-Wait to See You

20 Other Ways to Say I Can’t-Wait to See You! It’s been a long time since you’ve seen your best friend. You’ve both been busy with work and life, but you finally have a weekend free to hang out. You can’t wait to see them and catch up on everything that’s happened.

Ways to Say Can’t-Wait to See You

  1. Counting down the minutes until our paths cross!
  2. Is it time yet? Eager to catch up!
  3. My excitement meter is off the charts for our meet-up!
  4. Just thinking about our hangout makes me grin!
  5. Is it too soon to say I miss your face?
  6. Ready to fast-forward to our get-together!
  7. I’m on a see-you-soon countdown!
  8. Anxiously awaiting our laugh fest!
  9. Our reunion can’t come soon enough!
  10. Got a smile saved up just for you!
  11. The anticipation is killing me, in a good way!
  12. Ready for our next adventure, like, yesterday!
  13. Waiting for our meet like the next episode of my favorite show!
  14. Can the universe speed up time until we meet?
  15. Eager beaver here for our rendezvous!
  16. Let’s skip to the part where we’re hanging out!
  17. Counting down to our shenanigans!
  18. My calendar’s favorite day? Our upcoming hangout!
  19. Brace yourself for the bear hug coming your way!
  20. Just a little (read: a lot) excited to see your face!


20 Other Ways to Say Can’t-Wait to See You


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