30 Examples of Negative Questions in English

In this useful lesson, we’re going to explore 30 examples of negative questions in English. Negative questions can be tricky, but they are very important for talking and writing clearly. This lesson is perfect for anyone who is learning English or wants to get better at it. We’ll look at examples that are easy to understand, so you can start using them right away in your conversations and writing. Let’s get started and learn how these questions work.

How to Make Negative Questions?

Making negative questions in English involves adding a negative word like “not” to a question, which can change the meaning or emphasize what you’re asking. Here’s a simple guide to help you:

With “Do” or “Does” for Present Simple Tense:

  • Start with “Do” or “Does” (depending on the subject).
  • Add “not” after “Do” or “Does”.
  • Follow with the subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
  • Then add the base form of the main verb.


    • Do you not like apples?
    • Does she not want to go?

With “Did” for Past Simple Tense:

  • Start with “Did”.
  • Add “not” after “Did”.
  • Follow with the subject.
  • Then add the base form of the main verb.


    • Did he not finish his homework?

With Auxiliary Verbs (be, have, will, would, etc.):

  • Start with the auxiliary verb (am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, will, would, etc.).
  • Add “not” after the auxiliary verb.
  • Follow with the subject.
  • Then add the main verb or verb phrase.


    • Is she not coming to the party?
    • Have they not decided yet?

Using Contractions:

  • For a more informal style, you can use contractions such as isn’t, aren’t, didn’t, won’t, etc.
  • Place the contracted form before the subject.


    • Isn’t it cold today?
    • Haven’t you seen that movie?

With Modal Verbs (can, could, should, etc.):

  • Start with the modal verb (can, could, should, might, must, etc.).
  • Add “not” after the modal verb.
  • Follow with the subject.
  • Then add the base form of the main verb.


    • Can you not hear me?
    • Should we not wait for them?

Remember, the tone of negative questions can sometimes imply that the speaker expects a certain answer, so it’s essential to use them appropriately depending on the context.

Examples of Negative Questions in English

  1. Have you not heard the latest news?
  2. Is she not going to join us for dinner?
  3. Can you not see the difference?
  4. Did he not promise to help you with your project?
  5. Have they not arrived yet?
  6. Should you not be getting ready for your appointment?
  7. Was it not supposed to rain today?
  8. Are we not meeting them at the park?
  9. Could she not find a better solution?
  10. Does this not taste a bit off to you?
  11. Have you not finished your homework yet?
  12. Will they not need our assistance?
  13. Are these not the keys you were looking for?
  14. Should we not discuss this with the team first?
  15. Did you not receive the invitation?
  16. Can he not swim across the lake?
  17. Have you not seen this movie before?
  18. Is this not the book you were talking about?
  19. Were they not planning to renovate their house?
  20. Do you not want to try some of this dish?
  21. Was she not your teacher last semester?
  22. Should it not be more affordable during the off-season?
  23. Does he not play the piano beautifully?
  24. Are they not expecting us to arrive by noon?
  25. Could we not take the express train instead?
  26. Have I not warned you about this before?
  27. Will it not be thrilling to watch the game live?
  28. Is it not too early to start decorating for the holiday?
  29. Do they not serve brunch here on weekends?
  30. Should you not verify the details before we proceed?

Examples of Negative Questions in English


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